Friday, March 13, 2009


I love my phone

When I first got the I phone, after a pretty frustrating time with the pock bespattered dolt at the AT&T store (who, by the way, has been immortalized in a pilot script about bureaucratic fuck-ups), I was in heaven. Normally I'd go back and fix that sentence so that it made sense, but you know what? No! This is my blog and I feel you are going to have to work a little. Isn't it enough that I really try to fix the spelling? (Get it? Try?)
So I get the phone and everyone else who has one welcomes me into the club. There was a sort of silent respect for each other as we fingered our apps and snorted at all the Luddites with flip phones and palms. They could not join our club, they'd never understand. What I never really said out loud was that I thought most of the apps were crap. Come on. There was an app that looked like you were drinking a beer. The first person to show me this actually had a real beer in his other hand! Okay, handy restaurant finders, mortgage calculators, body mass index indicators... all that handy crap, was after all, crap! Until the day I found "Loose It".

This program is great. What you do, for those who don't know, is you enter your weight, enter your target weight and enter a time-line in which you wish to achieve said weight and Loose it. Dig?
Then it tells you how many calories you are aloud to have every day to achieve your lofty goal.
So you enter what you eat and how much exercise you do. The more exercise you do, the more you can eat. Brilliant!
This is good for me because I really don't know how much I eat. I go, well I had a sandwich for lunch and a pretzel here and there and there was some chocolate after lunch and again at three. and now I go, well I had a sandwich, a large coke and a bag of chips at 12:15 and seventeen pretzel from 1:30 to 2:15 and about 900 calories of chocolate between 9 and 5. AH!
That was a real eye opener.
Also, I used to exercise and go, "...there I exercised. Rob good!"
Now I think, as I hoist my tired ass out of bed, "If I run for a half hour and walk to work I can drink tonight." And it's up and out into the rain for me!
So far? Not bad. It's been two weeks and I've managed to stay under my limit every day except three. There was the first day I got it, last Friday and tonight. (It's almost beer thirty now!)
Is it working?
No, not really. Two days ago I weighed 218 and this morning I weighed 220.
Break out the swimwear!
But I still like it! Maybe, by the time I'm tired of this app I will have developed better eating habits.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Safe at home!

After the move Friday, as I was washing up, I noticed about fifteen small cuts on my hands. What a day, a knuckle on this molding, a slice from this box lid. anyway, that was just about the worst of it. And now move number 31 is finally in the bag. So, what did we learn this time? I'm glad I asked.

Paint first! Most people do. In fact, I saw a statistic that said, seventy percent of all statistics were off by thirteen percent. The other thirty percent were off by more than fifty percent, half the time. What does this have to do with painting? Be patent sugar, I'm getting to the point. The point is, try to have a week or two to prep the house before you move. And when that falls through because of an escrow company or one of any number of any monkey wrenches that fall into your soup, don't be too hard on yourself. (sorry the cleché machine is down for the day)

Also, paint as fast as you can!

What else...

Oh, right! The moving company pulled a fast one on us on the day of the move. On the contract, we initialed the little box marked, "packing materials" which signified that we would pay for the tape they used to hold the blankets on to our sofa. Last time we moved with half the stuff we now have this cost came in somewhere around $70. Not bad. This time it cost us about $700. It was announced to us when most of the stuff was already on the truck. Good time to go completely mental, right? But Jen and all the kids at the reservation tell me that I must keep my temper... I wish I had a happy ending to that story but I don't. They got away with it. How's that for keeping my temper?

So, don't let them do that to you when you move.

And that's pretty much it for moving. Unless we come into a lot of money, we're pretty much where we are going to be. And the money thing is pretty unlikely for a sucker that pays $700 for tape.

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