Sunday, October 26, 2008


Everyone says panic!

I don't know anyone who has any confidence about this upcoming election. They are all a little gun shy about what happened last time. Specifically Republican voter fraud. Yep, I said it. I don't think shit-for-brains really won. Anyone who knows me knows that as a small protest I never said he was president.
But, I was right about him being bad for the country. I don't think there's anyone out there who would defend him anymore. Unless they were some loudmouth that wanted attention (I'm looking at you Fox news) And to everyone who gave me shit during the last two elections, I'm still looking for that apology! It should go something like this: "I believed the lies because they managed to scare me. I now know that I was manipulated and used. I'm sorry Rob, you were right. Next time I'll listen to you and use my head."

There that wasn't so hard, was it?

So, have faith my fellow Americans. The sun will rise again. Not only do I think Obama will win, I think it will be a landslide! You know what, I'll go even further. I predict that the election will have been decided before I get a chance to vote. What do you think of that?!!

The day of the loud-mouth bigot is coming to an end. They are getting older and will soon be dead. And so are the days of manipulation by fear; the key strategy of a corrupt regime. We all know the tricks and it isn't going to work this time. So climb back into your hole war-church boy! Build your walls, reinforce your bunkers. let your fear make your decisions for you. We won't miss you.

Have a little faith in your fellow Americans. I know it's hard to do, but we have to.

OK enough politics, next time I'll explore some of the exotic cuisine of Burbank.

Hey Rob,
My biggest concern is this: people should have caught on to the manipulation and tricks back in 2004 and allowed themselves to be fooled. Why did people see the light (or more accurately see the dimness) only AFTER the '04 election? Were they afraid ... of John Kerry's chin? So they are able to distinguish propaganga from relevant issues now? We're finally dubious of the personal attacks and exhausted with cheap shots? I sure hope so. People can apparently spot a political lightweight when they see one.
But I agree the tide has turned. We will do our part starting tomorrow. Dan
BTW, whos everyone, though ?
Throw your shoes at Bushy!
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