Sunday, October 26, 2008
Everyone says panic!
I don't know anyone who has any confidence about this upcoming election. They are all a little gun shy about what happened last time. Specifically Republican voter fraud. Yep, I said it. I don't think shit-for-brains really won. Anyone who knows me knows that as a small protest I never said he was president.
But, I was right about him being bad for the country. I don't think there's anyone out there who would defend him anymore. Unless they were some loudmouth that wanted attention (I'm looking at you Fox news) And to everyone who gave me shit during the last two elections, I'm still looking for that apology! It should go something like this: "I believed the lies because they managed to scare me. I now know that I was manipulated and used. I'm sorry Rob, you were right. Next time I'll listen to you and use my head."
There that wasn't so hard, was it?
So, have faith my fellow Americans. The sun will rise again. Not only do I think Obama will win, I think it will be a landslide! You know what, I'll go even further. I predict that the election will have been decided before I get a chance to vote. What do you think of that?!!
The day of the loud-mouth bigot is coming to an end. They are getting older and will soon be dead. And so are the days of manipulation by fear; the key strategy of a corrupt regime. We all know the tricks and it isn't going to work this time. So climb back into your hole war-church boy! Build your walls, reinforce your bunkers. let your fear make your decisions for you. We won't miss you.
Have a little faith in your fellow Americans. I know it's hard to do, but we have to.
OK enough politics, next time I'll explore some of the exotic cuisine of Burbank.
But, I was right about him being bad for the country. I don't think there's anyone out there who would defend him anymore. Unless they were some loudmouth that wanted attention (I'm looking at you Fox news) And to everyone who gave me shit during the last two elections, I'm still looking for that apology! It should go something like this: "I believed the lies because they managed to scare me. I now know that I was manipulated and used. I'm sorry Rob, you were right. Next time I'll listen to you and use my head."
There that wasn't so hard, was it?
So, have faith my fellow Americans. The sun will rise again. Not only do I think Obama will win, I think it will be a landslide! You know what, I'll go even further. I predict that the election will have been decided before I get a chance to vote. What do you think of that?!!
The day of the loud-mouth bigot is coming to an end. They are getting older and will soon be dead. And so are the days of manipulation by fear; the key strategy of a corrupt regime. We all know the tricks and it isn't going to work this time. So climb back into your hole war-church boy! Build your walls, reinforce your bunkers. let your fear make your decisions for you. We won't miss you.
Have a little faith in your fellow Americans. I know it's hard to do, but we have to.
OK enough politics, next time I'll explore some of the exotic cuisine of Burbank.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Some birthday!
One day 305 pictures! I kinda wished I had bought that camera for her.



Over there!
The old town didn't stand a chance.

All day!
And into the night!

Done Yet??



Over there!

All day!

Done Yet??

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Birthday!
I forgot that when you are in another country the words on the computer go all funny. So "Blog Spot" turns into "Blog'être Spoteureux". As you may have guessed from my, "clever made up to look French" word play there, we're in France. (Either that or Burbank has gone completely gay.) Cannes France, to be specific.
Here's a little tip for everyone, and I wish someone had told me this, the name Cannes is pronounced "Can" as in "yes, we..." I know people want to say "Cans or Con" but trust me it's "Can". I know because I asked a cob driver. Or was it cabs driver...?
Jen took the pictures, by the way, so If she emailed them to you... tough! Here they are again!!

By day, we live in a tropical post card that, by night, turns into a fashion mag loaded with perfume adds that smell like cigarettes and dog pee. My French has not improved but after a couple glasses of wine I really don't care if I'm all that right. I can still get the food in front of me and I'm still surprised when I get a look at what I really ordered. Jen is having a ball with the language and is rarely surprised. Her trick is to lay our all the starters like, "Excuse me but, could you tell me..." or the somewhat more direct; "Here's what I want, Frenchie!" Then she attaches the right noun and, le poof! Food! Unfortunately, she only does it to me so, as you can imagine we're having quite a time here.
Up until today, which is our birthday (Our! As in: me and Jen not: Gollum and Smegal) and it is the first day I can wear casual clothes in this hot weather. There are two other little trade show matters that I need to deal with then it's off to sight-see.
Jen and I are going to hit the rails today and see some other towns along the Mediterranean. I know this, not only because she told me but, because she tied a bandanna full of clothes to a stick last night. and smeared her face with grease paint, to look like a beard. Like I said we're having quite a time here.
What wonders will we see on our adventure? I guess you will both have to wait!

Here's a little tip for everyone, and I wish someone had told me this, the name Cannes is pronounced "Can" as in "yes, we..." I know people want to say "Cans or Con" but trust me it's "Can". I know because I asked a cob driver. Or was it cabs driver...?
Jen took the pictures, by the way, so If she emailed them to you... tough! Here they are again!!

By day, we live in a tropical post card that, by night, turns into a fashion mag loaded with perfume adds that smell like cigarettes and dog pee. My French has not improved but after a couple glasses of wine I really don't care if I'm all that right. I can still get the food in front of me and I'm still surprised when I get a look at what I really ordered. Jen is having a ball with the language and is rarely surprised. Her trick is to lay our all the starters like, "Excuse me but, could you tell me..." or the somewhat more direct; "Here's what I want, Frenchie!" Then she attaches the right noun and, le poof! Food! Unfortunately, she only does it to me so, as you can imagine we're having quite a time here.

Jen and I are going to hit the rails today and see some other towns along the Mediterranean. I know this, not only because she told me but, because she tied a bandanna full of clothes to a stick last night. and smeared her face with grease paint, to look like a beard. Like I said we're having quite a time here.
What wonders will we see on our adventure? I guess you will both have to wait!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Watch me pull a vice president out of my ass... Again?
Harry Houdini was quite a guy. He really knew how to trick people. For example, when he had to do something risky on stage, one of his tricks was to get a hot chorus girl to walk out on the other side of the stage, and while everyone glanced over at her he made the switch or picked the lock. He died, so the joke’s on him!

For a long time I’ve always wondered why the Republican Party always had a certified idiot on the ticket. I always wrote it off to the old Harry Houdini trick. If they are all preoccupied with Dan Quayle spelling potato with an “E” at the end they won’t notice you inventing crack cocaine.
So this year they Grand old party is running a MILF to cover up the fact that the Republican Party has been fucking you for the last 8 years. Bravo! Brav-fuckin-oh! Harry Houdini would be laughing from his grave… If he were still in it! Bwaaaaa ha ha!
I’d like to see a special game show and on the panel would be Ronald Regan, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush. I’d call the show, “What the Fuck?”
We’ll start the questions with you Dan, if I wanted to buy a loaf of bread how much would I be expected to pay?
President Regan, where did you buy those pants?
Governor Palin, When do you know you’re off-sides in Hockey? What is the icing?
George W. Where the fuck is Cheney? And where is my fucking money?!!
I never wanted this blog to be political but, God dammit!
So to all of them that think Sarah Palin is all that, here’s a simple threat. If you are stupid enough to vote for John McCain you will suffer. Here’s how:
You will be deprived of liberals and everything invented or made by liberals. You can have war and church because you obviously seem to be comfortable with the amazing Hypocrisy of that. And you can have AM radio. But you will no longer be aloud to use any safety device, seat belts, hard hats, no more clean water, no safe drugs or soccer. No art, music, no internet, movies, TV shows, no Mac’s, pretty much no more going outside. No oral sex unless it’s freaky, repressed, gay, bathroom stuff that republicans seem to favor.. And while were at it, get off my blog!
And while we’re at it, no more talking to us! We’re pretty sick of your shit anyway. Now the only people you will be able to talk to will be other republicans. So not only will you not be able to talk to me, but you will most likely not be able to communicate with your children, your wife, or the guy who washes your car. You will be in the unpleasant company of assholes like Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney.
Sure, there are assholes on both sides of the fence but the republicans seem to have the most.
Oh yeah, and no more dancing!
You assholes!
For a long time I’ve always wondered why the Republican Party always had a certified idiot on the ticket. I always wrote it off to the old Harry Houdini trick. If they are all preoccupied with Dan Quayle spelling potato with an “E” at the end they won’t notice you inventing crack cocaine.
So this year they Grand old party is running a MILF to cover up the fact that the Republican Party has been fucking you for the last 8 years. Bravo! Brav-fuckin-oh! Harry Houdini would be laughing from his grave… If he were still in it! Bwaaaaa ha ha!
I’d like to see a special game show and on the panel would be Ronald Regan, Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush. I’d call the show, “What the Fuck?”
We’ll start the questions with you Dan, if I wanted to buy a loaf of bread how much would I be expected to pay?
President Regan, where did you buy those pants?
Governor Palin, When do you know you’re off-sides in Hockey? What is the icing?
George W. Where the fuck is Cheney? And where is my fucking money?!!
I never wanted this blog to be political but, God dammit!
So to all of them that think Sarah Palin is all that, here’s a simple threat. If you are stupid enough to vote for John McCain you will suffer. Here’s how:
You will be deprived of liberals and everything invented or made by liberals. You can have war and church because you obviously seem to be comfortable with the amazing Hypocrisy of that. And you can have AM radio. But you will no longer be aloud to use any safety device, seat belts, hard hats, no more clean water, no safe drugs or soccer. No art, music, no internet, movies, TV shows, no Mac’s, pretty much no more going outside. No oral sex unless it’s freaky, repressed, gay, bathroom stuff that republicans seem to favor.. And while were at it, get off my blog!
And while we’re at it, no more talking to us! We’re pretty sick of your shit anyway. Now the only people you will be able to talk to will be other republicans. So not only will you not be able to talk to me, but you will most likely not be able to communicate with your children, your wife, or the guy who washes your car. You will be in the unpleasant company of assholes like Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney.
Sure, there are assholes on both sides of the fence but the republicans seem to have the most.
Oh yeah, and no more dancing!
You assholes!
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