Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Welp, it’s been two year.

Yes that was the answer to my grand question I asked last time. Let’s see who today’s winner is Carl. Well Steve it’s… it’s. It’s no one because I’m pretty sure no one reads this blog. So, in that respect we’re all winners.
There have been a lot of changes in the last two-year, a lot of new locations (4 places to live in three new towns, and three new schools and six new teachers.) and a couple new jobs… nine to be exact, but I can take it.
My love of Haiku has blossomed and faded, we got a new car and I don’t really exercise anymore. Great!
I still have the same wife and kids, so that’s good. And woke up some dormant friendships.
But I think the highlight of the last two years was the epic Haiku about Singapore. Reprinted here with the permission of the author:

By Chaffie Mc Chaffington

Hot, wet Singapore

I shall always think fondly

Of your great progress

Your steaming prawn balls,

your prosperity pizza,

and stewed chicken feet.

That job really blew.

That guy was a real ass.

But I don’t blame you.

Your strict laws keep me

safe from speeding coconuts.

Or gay gum chewers.

The smell of your cabs

Will always be in my shirts

As will your duck sauce.

I walk and I shop.

In this, the year of the blog.

You’re talking cock, la!

We’re going home soon

And we have a lot of junk

A lot of your junk.

And so, fare thee well

Corn in a cup and monkeys.

Good by to you Singapore!

Vanda Miss Joaquim

I shall miss your fragrant smell,

and all those wet ants.

Here’s to another two more readerless years!
Waiter! Champaign!!

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