Friday, January 05, 2007
Blog, Blog, bloggity BLOG!

I went on the web to find out about printing this blog. I checked out other people who had blogs about blogging and about how they saved all their blogs, and, sheesh! are people really stuck on themselves. I never realized that some people use their blog as a sort of electronic horn that, for some reason, is OK to blow all over your friends. One woman went as far as to assume that her kids would want to read her words of wisdom when they grew up. There was more but she was so boring I decided I’d rather go dive off my balcony face first.
Why do I want to save this series of unfocused essays? …you ask. Well, I don’t know about any of you but, I crack me up, that’s why.
So I find that there are services that will print your blog for, like $7 a page or something. So I put it to you, my several loyal readers, where can I get this printed or saved as a file?
Any Ideas?
By the way, that's Zaphod's head.
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