Monday, December 25, 2006
A year in the trenches

I suppose this is the time of year to reflect. How was the year? How did we do financially? How many apartments did I move into this year? How many countries did I visit, how many states did I pass through? How many months have I been deprived of my families company? God I feel like I’ve been on tour with Willie Nelson. (And not just because the couch is covered with long grey hair and smells like smoke.)
Well, I suppose I could give a really high number to all those questions but I won’t. Because, as I have said before, who really cares?
OK, so maybe just one answer; almost six months. I’ve spent almost half the year without my family. Anyway, the lingering separation has come to a close for the year and it won’t be like this next year. The show that I’m on should be good for another year and who knows what could happen in that time.

I DO! That’s who. This is going to be the year of big things. I’m not talking about moving around more. And I’m not talking about a big thing, like a really big car. I’m talking about big career things for both Jen and I.
Yes, we are going to start a trapeze act! It’s great exercise and you hardly ever die. After all, how many dead trapeze guys do you know? None! That’s who. And Karl Wallenda doesn’t count. He was part of a high wire act. Big difference. You’d have to be crazy to do that.
The nice thing about a blog is that I know what I did. I can look up what I was thinking and how I felt in mind numbing detail. I wonder how long that will all be up. Does anyone one know how I can save it? Maybe print it so I can look at it when I’m old and really board because the trapeze act didn’t work out. Since we all have a couple days off maybe someone could just tell me how to do it, like the advice I got about the whole Quicktime key thing. Or all the good advice I got about how to avoid chaffing. I love you guys, man.
And so, happy Christmas! (…to all of you who do that sort of thing) A special shout out goes to my Jewish friends. Have a good time with all the candle lighting and door opening. To all my friends of other religions, thanks for keeping the beer store open on Christmas day! And next time you tell me what religion you are I promises I’ll try to listen this time. And a prosperous New Year to everyone especially to my South East Asian and Chinese friends who have managed to roll that whole new year thing into an entire week off. Well done, there lads! Enjoy the endless succession of lion and dragon dances. To my agnostic friends, enjoy the holidays, I think. To all of my android friends, may you continue to function within normal parameters. And to bugs everywhere, just stay away from me and I think we’ll both do OK this year.
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