Monday, August 14, 2006
Now where in the world am I?
Stay in shape with sardonics. Tone your abs by waving off reason, strengthen your cardio vascular system by jumping to conclusions! Yes sardonics, at the end of the day you won’t be anywhere but you’ll be tired. …so tired.

Just in general (and again trying not to sound like an old Seinfeld bit) what’s up with pillows on a couch anyway? Does anyone sit on them and not throw them on the floor? I’m just wondering. And for those of you who do sit on them, thanks! From all of us who use them as pillows.
Well, here we go again. Who can guess what this is a plate of?

Need a little help? Here’s what one of them looks like:

I await your guesses.
We left Shanghai yesterday and motored down to a little burg called Hangzhou. There’s a saying that goes something like, “When you die you’ll go to heaven but here on earth there’s Hangzhou and Shangougou”. I think it was made up by the real estate people in Hangzhou and Shangougou to drive up the property prices. So far the production facility that we are visiting and the hotel are in an area that is not completely unlike Troy MI. A little further north there’s a pretty big lake that we may see tomorrow. So far we have been treated like royalty with nice hotels and cars and tours and food. I might get used to this type of treatment.

For all of those interested, the meeting went well. If all goes as both sides plan tomorrow, we’ll have a bit of work to take care of before MIP Com in October. Stay tuned for my report from the sunny south of France. Hopefully I won’t have to eat any weird food there.

Just in general (and again trying not to sound like an old Seinfeld bit) what’s up with pillows on a couch anyway? Does anyone sit on them and not throw them on the floor? I’m just wondering. And for those of you who do sit on them, thanks! From all of us who use them as pillows.
Well, here we go again. Who can guess what this is a plate of?

Need a little help? Here’s what one of them looks like:

I await your guesses.
We left Shanghai yesterday and motored down to a little burg called Hangzhou. There’s a saying that goes something like, “When you die you’ll go to heaven but here on earth there’s Hangzhou and Shangougou”. I think it was made up by the real estate people in Hangzhou and Shangougou to drive up the property prices. So far the production facility that we are visiting and the hotel are in an area that is not completely unlike Troy MI. A little further north there’s a pretty big lake that we may see tomorrow. So far we have been treated like royalty with nice hotels and cars and tours and food. I might get used to this type of treatment.

For all of those interested, the meeting went well. If all goes as both sides plan tomorrow, we’ll have a bit of work to take care of before MIP Com in October. Stay tuned for my report from the sunny south of France. Hopefully I won’t have to eat any weird food there.
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