Sunday, February 19, 2006
You must be “this” tall to enter Singapore
Anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of Singapore knows they are a little rule crazy here. Not just a bunch of little rules like, “no gum chewing” or being fined for not flushing a public toilet, but big ones. Big killie ones. The week before I arrived they had just hanged an Australian for drug smuggling. Granted he did have about a ton of heroine and he did look like he had it coming but wow, hanging someone? It’s down right medieval. In fact, Singapore averages one execution every 9 days. Picture that in a country the size of Oakland County. By the way, fine for gum $1000 Sing (that’s only $612 US so it might actually be worth it)
I was going to devote a whole huge blog to the rules of Singapore but, once again, if you want to know that crap go to the official Singapore rules web site. I’m no mans reference tool, damn it!
The main rule here is smile and buy stuff, and whatever you do, don’t try not to spend money. Here are a few signs:
Can you name them all? Really? Then what the heck is on that guys hand? what ever it is, it's broken. Also remember, don't go around assuming that monkeys eat just bananas, you might offend them. No bird squeezing. No paper cut. no 70's music...
A durian is a local fruit that is at the heart of a local culinary controversy. Most people hate these things and there are a few wise-asses who say they like them. It’s pretty much the same everywhere, there’s always some old guy that will eat some old disgusting type of food from the old country and say they like it. Maybe they do, but I think most of them are just trying to annoy people. Anyway, they stink so much you can’t bring them on the train. The fuit not the old guy who eats stuff. I’ve never tasted one, or even smelled one. But, if the stink any worse than the sweaty guy from India I had to sit next to, they must be pretty foul indeed.
No explanation needed, I'm going. I'm going! If you look closely you'll see that the gun has a bayonet. The other thing I like about this one is the pose of the guy with his hands up. It looks like he's getting ready to beat it out of there.
So, what I see here is, if you can manage to ride a bike with the handlebars flipped around backwards, there is no fine...?
Next time: I may be wrong but... No, I'm wrong.
I was going to devote a whole huge blog to the rules of Singapore but, once again, if you want to know that crap go to the official Singapore rules web site. I’m no mans reference tool, damn it!
The main rule here is smile and buy stuff, and whatever you do, don’t try not to spend money. Here are a few signs:

Next time: I may be wrong but... No, I'm wrong.
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