Thursday, February 16, 2006
I shall NOT return,

I know I’ve been Pretty hard on the Philippines, but I think the Philippines are pretty hard on themselves. Whoever is in charge of watching out for the common man must still be on a lunch break, or something. The road to the airport was cluttered with the usual array of slap-dash vehicles, people selling water and smokes and little beggar kids. I was told that they are part of a group headed up by an adult that was the equivalent of a little beggars pimp. Like “Oliver” but not so muck singing and dancing.

At the airport I was checked into the building by security, then I got in line for a baggage scan and a really good feeling up. (makes me wish I had underwear on) after I got my seating assignment I had to pass another checkpoint then go past a person in a booth that took a 550 peso service charge. (bribe) Then I had another security check and another feeling up. Finally I got to the lounge. No one felt me up there but I was so relieved to be somewhere relatively safe and clean that I fell fast asleep. And so ended my Pilipino odyssey. I get to spend the weekend creating a report about the studio that I went to check out. (That did NOT go well either)

As I flew over the island on the way home I saw some nice beaches and some blue water. It made me almost regret saying bad things about the Philippines. Almost! Manila had the final laugh on me. That food that I praised so highly in the last blog entry, rose up got me at about 4am this morning. And it’s been reminding me of my intestinal mortality every hour on the dot. During cab rides, airport feel-ups, plane trips, cab rides and finally here, sitting on my couch in Singapore. The doctor in the US said this kind of thing happens when you travel, and that the best thing to do is to eat rice, and bananas and drink tea. What she doesn’t know is that’s pretty much all that’s on the menu there. (…besides chicken) Serves me right for venturing outside the mini bar in the hotel room.
Next time: What? I’m going to London now?
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