Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Famous first words

In the two days since I’ve been here, Manila has done little to change my first impression. But, I haven’t really been out there enjoying the town either. I wouldn’t know where to begin. This town has so much to offer. Should I stand under the power lines in the smog and watch the cars go by. Or should I try to walk the streets, paved loosely with busted concrete, rebar and broken glass. Am I being fair to Manila? After all, it hasn’t really said anything bad about me. As far as I know.
The road from the airport to the hotel in most cities is pretty telling. After all, who wants to live next to the airport? It’s usually industrial and pretty covered with smoke dirt. I’m thinking of the trip from Chicago’s Midway airport to the Hilton downtown, Detroit Metro to anywhere, even my little home town. The first sign of life you see there is a gun shop.
The route we took was lined with, what used to be American Military bases. “J” told me that not too long ago this strip was pretty nice. Still you have to wonder, if someone’s idea of “nice” is a military base, they should be pretty easy to please.

For the most part Manila is pretty Americanized. Everything is written in English and they use the standard American current and plugs. (Wouldn’t you know it, the one I didn’t bring for the computer) They have all the aggressive sex appeal and vigor from advertisers but some sort of inability to sweep up or use a paintbrush. To encapsulate: picture a billboard propped up by fallout, featuring a beautiful model holding up a bottle of something delicious. The landscape is a little like the final shot in Mad Max. Remember the pan where all the cars were wrecked, the bus was turned over, there was smoke and fire everywhere? Well it’s like that here, only not so charming.

But, unlike Singapore, They have napkins! When you sit down at a restaurant they give you a napkin. There are still no towels in the bathrooms. But it’s a step closer to civilization. And the food is better than Singapore. Not so many bizarre types of fish humiliated by discussing sauces served on noodles. The main type of food is chicken. They love chicken. They eat the shit out of chicken. If I was a chicken, and I lived here, I’d be putting my will together right away. In fact, even if I weren’t a chicken I’d be putting the will together. But if I were a pretty chicken, I’d…
Next time: White hen’s can’t chicken dance.
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