Monday, January 23, 2006
Welcome to all my new friends.

Welcome to all new comers! My blog is open to anyone with good intentions. And to those who like to spread animosity and ill-will… I don’t know what I can do about that. I guess, for you, that “no running with scissors” rule has been revoked. So, grab a pair and go wild, man. I feel comfortable in saying that as no one has yet had anything bad to say about my blog.
And a special welcome to boredhousewife, who’s presence on my humble, ill spelled chunk of cyberspace is looked upon as a great honor. (God I wish I were half as eloquent as that in real life.) (Note to self: try to be smarter.) It is highly advised to visit her blog which served as the inspiration for this and, I’m sure, many other blogs (wow, listen to me go! I’m on fire.)
check her out at:
(there goes the eloquence, back to normal) (note to self: don’t push it.)
Let me try that again…
Anyone wishing to see someone on the verge of greatness, the first violent throes of a person who’s creative energies are finally pushing to the surface after long years of repression, a person… (Nope, I’ve lost it.) Just go to her blog and read up.
Welcome Orange. It’s nice to meet you and your haikus. Even though I think I know that it isn’t you, but none other than, the Bordehousewife under the thin veil of an orange disguise. So, I guess it’s nice to have you here by proxy.
Regarding Haiku’s I find the rigid Japanese form a challenge. (I have a tendency to “go on”.) I’ve always had a hard time with poetry as everything I do seems to have that Dr. Seuss rhythm to it. And my prose… well, I keep those to myself.
So, enough about me and my new guests, and a slightly weird obsession with the rigidity, let’s get back to my dumb observations and photos.
Besides standing at the edge of the reservoir and going aaaaaaaaH! The residents of Singapore are pretty much the same as Americans. They pick their noses with their thumbs and think no one will notice. They won’t let anyone get ahead of them while driving and lose their minds when someone does. And they like to eat. They are all about eating. They get up early to eat. They stay up late to eat and, for all I know, they probably dream of eating. But, for some reason they’re not big and fat. And when they’re done eating they get up, leave their dirty dishes and things on the table and (I think) go and look for another place to eat.
In Malaysia, at the gas stations they have “Cup of Corn”. I didn’t take a picture because I didn’t know how my phone/ camera worked at the time (your loss). So, there’s a pot with corn warming in it. And some cups that say, “cup of corn” on them. You take the spoon and spoon some corn in your cup. Then a monkey comes out and hits you with a fish. Ok, no monkey. Sorry, I thought it was funny that they would sell something as simple as a cup of corn. But as I type I find that this point is past its prime. Still, I wonder if your average Malaysian, while driving, looks up from the road and says, “corn! I would really like some corn. …Maybe in a cup. Hey, you kids back there, do you want a cup of corn?”
Here’s a little ditty that they sell at the 7-11s around here:

That’s mashed potatoes shooting out of that tap. So don’t make the mistake of reaching for the sugar cones.
Yesterday’s lunch!
Maybe I’ll make this a new feature here on the old blog. Wouldn’t everyone like to know what I had for lunch? Well I don’t care! Here it is:

This is what is know as Laksa. It’s basically what we’d call coconut soup with short little spaghetti noodles in it and some seafood. The best place in Singapore to get Laksa is Katong. Katong, as far as I could gather, is a neighborhood here in Singapore that is famous for their Laksa. See how it works? We also had this:

I forget what this is called. It’s as fish paste wrapped in a tei leaf and roasted over a grill. I’ve seen these all over the place and wondered what they were but I never had the nerve to try one. I usually wait to see how other people eat something before I try it.…Wouldn’t want to make too big of a fool of myself.
Speaking of that…
Next week: Monkeys; They’re like fuzzy little insane people.
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