Monday, January 16, 2006
I ate WHAT????

Here are a bunch of pictures of stuff that I’ve eaten. I won’t tell you what anything is called because I didn’t write it down. And really, would any of you remember? I can, however tell you what’s in it… for the most part. And provide my witty observation. Just try to avoid that! This nasty customer is shaved ice, sugar syrup, molasis, corn and beans. That stuff on top... beats me!

Behold the typical “American” meal. That’s mutton with gravy, French fries, garlic bread, shredded iceberg lettuce and some cold baked beans. The coke was my idea.

For the most part, you eat at food courts. You could eat in a restaurant, but that’s for tourists and rich people. There are a lot of choices. I can’t tell the difference yet. It all seems to be brown, runny stuff on noodles. But, give me a month or two. When you’re done, just leave the stuff there and walk away. That, I can’t get used to.

It all starts out colorful enough.

Seriously, why does this make a difference? I love chicken. I buy the cooked ones all the time at home. I don't eat the whole thing. I wouldn't eat the head. But, you leave that noggin on and I can't even think about eating it.

Shouldn't that say, "Yum"?

That's chicken on a puffed rice bun. You should see the TV commercial for this one. Apparently it causes Asians to break dance. Imagine if they managed to create this when the rest of the world was break-dancing. They could be the world leaders in cool. But as it is... Not so cool.
That’s enough for tonight. I’ll put more food-stuff in as I find it.
Next week: year of the dog.
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