Saturday, March 31, 2007
Burn Lake Hollywood, Burn!

The fire started right behind “J’s” apartment complex (top photo) and burned up the hill. When we first saw the smoke from Disney, I figured J was up to his old, “Let see how long this takes to melt stuff" routine. I started to regret getting him that magnifying glass for his birthday.
Incase you’re wondering, the Hollywood sign is right on the other side of the ridge.
So, from the Disney offices on the third floor, we all sat and watched the fire creep over the ridge and the helicopters drop water on the fire for a couple minutes. Surprisingly, after just a couple minutes, we all went back to work.
After all, wild fire is one thing, and a nervous line producer is another.

“S” watched the event on the CNN live feed. He couldn’t be bothered to look out the window.

By afternoon all was under control. The cool thing about a brush fires is the smell of burning sage. I felt like we all spent the day at a campfire.

The ash fluttered down.
like December snow flurries,
not as determined.
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