Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Yeah, that's right!

Do you want to know what’s so great about being back in Michigan? Yeah? You would you nosy person you. OK, since you really want to know, I am back. I’m back in my cozy hometown snuggled into, what I now see is, a very cluttered house. …A situation that was made worse by the addition of two over-stuffed suitcases.

By the way, what up with the airlines and baggage? Do they hire people who hate bags? I’m just curious. My suitcase (once again) was too heavy for a huge jet to handle so (Once again) I paid some extra money for the ticket lady to put a special “Heavy” sticker on my bag. Imagine my surprise when (once again) I discover my underpants preceded my bag on the luggage conveyor by about five minutes. Surprisingly, I’m not too bugged about this. The suitcase was a cheepo. (Is that why it exploded?) I really feel for the people who get a nice set of luggage and find it pulverized when they get to the baggage claim. I think I’m going to try this next time; I’ll just tape a picture of a naked woman to my bag. Thoughts?
As I wander, dumbly in a jet lagged haze down the streets of my home town and cross the trail of friends that I haven’t seen for five months, I find that a lot of them have been following my adventure in SE Asia on a regular basis. This is a real pleasant surprise. I didn’t know anyone was out there.
So now, I’m debating whether I’d have the time or interest to continue the blog form home. There doesn’t seem to be any motivation, as most of the people who know me know where I live, and anyone who doesn’t know me wouldn’t really care. Besides, it looks like my readership is beginning to drop off anyway. I find that anything I have to say goes out to an increasingly smaller crowd. In fact, I’d venture to say that my crowd has dwindled to group. And now that I find the subjects of my thoughts are; “how green the grass is” or “how it seems to be unusually cold for June”, I feel my “group” dwindling to a “pair” consisting of wife and mother-in-law who are two very good sports, bound by obligation. Maybe there’s a random climatologist out there who finds my observations helpful to his research, Then again, maybe not.
But then there’s my old pal Dan who is kind enough to provide a (seemingly) sincere laugh at most of my dumb-ass observations. And hold back that same laugh when he senses that I might be serious. And Seagaser, sitting quietly in her Mexican beach shack laughing at, pretty much, anyone in the world who doesn’t have enough common sense to live on a beach in Mexico. I think she wins the award for the most consistent use of haiku to express her thoughts. Bravo!
I guess I’ll keep putting things up. I can’t promise any kind of consistency or intelligence, Just more of the same random attempts to be funny and cel phone photos of what I think you’d like to see. You talked me into it again Rob!

Next time: Help me out!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Quick, what haven’t we done?

One of the amusing things about living in a temporary situation for so long is you rarely think of anything but getting home, but once home looms on the horizon you scramble to do everything one last time. Specifically, the deserted island routine. You know, the swaying palms the shack on the beach the gentle roll of the waves as they lick the shore the way a dog licks your hand, only not so fast. …Maybe the way a tired dog licks a really long sandy hand… anyway! J found just the place. It was just 45 minuets by boat (Closer than Catalina or SMI) across the South China Sea. Who knew it was so close? And to think of all those weekends I wasted collecting stamps!!
The good thing about this trip is that I will be back. My business is such that I will be dealing with the good people of Singapore and Malaysia a lot in the future. I will also have the honor of being able to call this place “Songapore” come Wednesday.
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